Saturday, February 27, 2010


I am not entirely sure where this train of thought came from, but I am going to share it with you anyway... :) Enjoy!

There is a book that I have been meaning to read for awhile now, and have yet to get around to. I have read the first chapter, and it has only cemented my intention. Max Lucado, an author whom I love and that has a beautiful way with words and a clear and strong Heart for God, wrote a book titled "Come Thirsty", a simple yet powerful statement. For some reason for I don't know really for how long, this statement has been percolating in me. Then, last week, during the sermon time at Adore the pastor mentioned the story of the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the Well. (John 4:1-42) about how Jesus offered her Living Water, Water that, if you partook, you would never thirst again. It seemed that this topic would add to itself until I let it out.

Have you been to see James Cameron's Avatar? (I have seen it three times, and enjoyed it all three of them, but I digress.) One of the lines that it said is; "It is hard to fill a cup that is already full." Think about it. If you come, with no room or openness in your heart, what then can fill your cup? That is the theory I have been wrestling with. If Jesus is Living Water, if Jesus wishes to fill our cup with life-giving, spirit-filled water with which to soothe our souls, what happens if our cup is already full. Already filled with our jobs and family and worries and plans.... What if we are like people in dry suits? Letting ourselves be surrounded by the grace and love of the holy water, but not being touched by it. Prevented by a layer of rubber suit, or doubt, or fear, or guilt.... It is easier, less frightening, more comfortable for us to insulate ourselves from the Holy then to chance that we might be touched or changed by it. And changed we would be. It is hard to truly open your whole self to the amazing gift of the cross and come away unchanged. Even those who have tasted the Living Water, who have met Jesus at the cross and declared him 'Saviour', might cap their cup and zip up that dry suit at times. Scripture says this: "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." John 7: 37-38
But you can be standing knee deep in that stream of living water and still die of thirst, unless you bend down, scoop up some water and drink deep. And there is where the statement, "Come Thirsty" comes in. Wherever you go, Come Thirsty. With cup empty and waiting, with your whole self bared, no barriers to the grace, forgiveness and love that water carries. When I say cup empty it is to be consistent with the imagery I have already created with you, but what I truly imagine is this:

Water is truly amazing in that it can go so many places we cannot. Small cracks grant it access, hard rock yields to it's unending current. So my cup is this gorgeous marble vessel that just keeps getting deeper as the living water softens and washes away impurities... Meaning that I Come always with an open cup, ready to receive that awesome gift.

Thus I must always Come Thirsty. Come with a thirst and yearning for the love, grace and mercy of my God. Come with a thirst for the God who loved with such passion and depth that he sent His Son, a piece of Himself, to become flesh and die on the cross for my sin. Thirst for the God who was and is and is to come.

What is it that keeps you from coming with an open cup? What is the thing/thought/habit that virtually bundles you into that dry suit? Will you lay it at the Cross? Will you surrender it to Jesus and Come Thirsty?

(Confused? Intrigued? Feel the need to discuss? Have a question? Please feel free to comment, and I would love to talk with You. Blessings, Renée)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mighty to save

Both services I went to today sang this song. So I decided that that meant I should share it with y'all. Enjoy!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Because the whole world should see and love this... lol

One of the channels I subscribe to on YouTube made this awesome Harry Potter version of the Google Superbowl commercial. *Imperio!* You will enjoy it!

Friday, February 12, 2010

An evening of posts

This night seems to be The Night to post something new on your blog. Both my sister and Dad have posted, so I decided to follow the trend.

I have been thinking about posting since Sunday, when I attended a church service with my friend and minister. I have not been to a service that I was not a part of in a long time, and the last time was not at a place that touched me deeply. Now I don't know that I can say how deeply I may have been touched by this service I attended. A house, turned sanctuary, sheltering people with a true love and devotion for Jesus. Nor can I clearly say if I liked the service, though I didn't NOT like it.... But I can say with certainty that two things were brought to my attention.

Thing One:
I have never been to a service or even a gathering of people who speak so clearly and fervently about Jesus. Even in our little home church.... We talk about Jesus, but not like this. A true feeling that Jesus is as important as God, and Holy Spirit... A true deepening into the sacrifice Jesus paid to give us the chance to have a relationship with God. A true conversation with other people of faith where the name Jesus has more.... Meaning... Something I had not realized was missing from my faith-life, but something I seeped into my soul greedily and joyfully. I am not sure the words that you just read make sense, or even explain clearly enough what I mean to say.... But those are the words I have...

Thing Two:
I cried. During communion. I don't even really know why. We partook of Body and Blood, sang Jesus Messiah and at the part of the chorus that says, "Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel" the tears would well up and fall. Like I said, I really haven't a clue as to the reason, and maybe I just haven't looked closely enough to discover it, but I do know that something shifted in my heart at that moment.

During this week I have noticed something interesting. I have ended everyday relaxed with a feeling of well-being. Whether I had a day filled with awesome, moments of frustration or sadness, beautiful moments of family and love, the day ends with gratitude. Maybe this is connected. Maybe this won't last. Maybe this is the next step on this journey of faith I have embarked on. All I know is that part of me is always aware of the Love. The Love that God showers upon us through the Word made Flesh, the Way, the Truth and the Life, my dear friend, Jesus Christ.
Before, I would worry and fret at the fact that every post I make seems to end up being about God, and my faith. But it really makes a lot of sense. God is working at something in my life. I haven't quite worked out what it is yet, and maybe God (who knows me better than anyone) knows I'd freak if I had the whole picture and so lets me make the small steps, but there is definitely Something at work. So for those of you who feel like you need to know more about my mundane/worldly life, feel free to call me. But I make no promises God won't make a guest appearance in that conversation too.