Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In the silence of the night...

Have you ever wondered how it is you could be so lucky to have found the person in whom all of your love is personified, or how amazing it is that they seem to think the same of you?

My husband is an awesomely wonderful person. I find in him my best friend as well as the man who will be an amazing father. I find in him the one who not only puts up with my idiosyncrasies but loves me for them. I find in him a compassionate, intelligent, funny and sweet companion, strong and silent, with his own little quirks for which I tease him to no end but which are also a few of the infinite reasons I love him.

There are moments or days when one or two of those quirks blind me to the fact that they really are cute... Nights when I eat dinner alone because he is playing WOW, times in the car when I lose my conversation partner because he has fallen asleep... But then, I am sure that he has those same moments with me... (For taking the teasing a little too far, for being crabby, or for thinking that the silence is him ignoring me as opposed to my patient, thoughtful husband taking his time to answer...) But then at the end of the day we go to bed. The lights are turned off a hug and a kiss (and he falls asleep in minutes.. lol) and as I lay in the dark, waiting for sleep to take me into it's restful waves, I listen to the light (or sometimes not so light) breathing next to me and I feel like the Grinch might have as his heart expanded 10 times it's size. I can't believe ever loving him more... and yet it seems that at the end of every day I do.

As with every couple (every person) we will have our off days. We will have our disagreements and petty grievances... but I know that at the end of that day, when we head off to bed, there will be hugs and kisses and then the quiet breathing in the dark.

I do not know what I did in my life that warranted God gracing me with the love of this man, but I am forever grateful for it. And I guess I will be spending the rest of my life (may it be long, God willing) trying to be worthy of it. I relish the possibilities, the every days, and the love that will continue between us until the end.

  • But Ruth said, "Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
  • Where you die, I will die? there will I be buried. May the Lord do thus and so to me, and more as well, if even death parts me from you!"
    -Ruth 1: 16-17 New Revised Standard

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